Wednesday, August 28, 2024

City of Champaign Summer Updates

This post has updates from the last few summer months, including potential council pay raises, filling a council vacancy, and a lot of economic development updates. A separate post will be dealing with gun violence updates in C-U generally. The vacancy for District 3 was filled in June. The News-Gazette had coverage of Jamar Brown being appointed and sworn in.

New member Jamar Brown took his seat on the Champaign City Council for the majority of Tuesday’s meeting following a 7-1 vote instating him to represent District 3.

Just three months earlier, Brown resigned from the Unit 4 school board less than a year after being elected...

He’s filling the seat vacated by Danny Iniguez on May 14.

Brown has just under a year to finish out the remainder of Iniguez’s term, which ends May 6, 2025.

That full article here. The News-Gazette also had more on Brown's background the day before here. Last month's Cheat Sheet on the Champaign City Council had a brief overview and links about the resignation, application process, and other applicants. WCIA also had brief coverage of Brown's appointment here with some additional links to more background information.

Council Pay Increases:

It always appears to be a contentious issue as to whether elected representatives should get a pay raise. Like everybody else, there are concerns about retention, inflation, and budget priorities. From the News-Gazette:

Five members of a Champaign City Council Compensation Task Force voted unanimously Thursday afternoon to recommend raising council members’ annual pay from $5,000 to $7,000 and the part-time mayor’s annual salary from $35,000 to $45,000.

The mayoral raise would bump Champaign from fifth place to fourth on the area compensation charts, leapfrogging Rantoul ($36,000) and trailing only three cities and villages where the job is full-time: Danville ($100,000), Urbana ($73,217) and Tilton ($60,000).

The recommended raise for council members would match what Urbana pays its aldermen, tops among area cities and villages. Rantoul, Clinton and Sullivan each pay $6,000 annually.

That full article here. The staff report on the task force was brief in its recommendations and reasoning. It was presented at the last study session where the council gave the initial go ahead (agenda, video). A final vote by the council is still required to approve the pay raises. The News-Gazette had an earlier article with a comparison of area mayoral pay.

Downtown Plaza:

Construction has begun on the Downtown Plaza project after the schedule was moved up and approved at the beginning of July. From the News-Gazette: .

City officials have rearranged the construction schedule for Phase 1 of the Neil Street Plaza project in hopes of addressing concerns from local businesses.

The Champaign City Council will vote on two agreements related to Phase 1 of the project at their 7 p.m. meeting Tuesday: an approximately $3.26 million construction contract with A&R Mechanical Services and a $298,500 construction engineering contract with Clark Dietz.

That full article here. These changes were approved for the Plaza construction timeline at the July 2nd City Council meeting (video jump to). WAND had coverage of the City Council approval and new schedule here. WCIA highlighted the upcoming public ground breaking event this past Friday here. WCIA also had coverage of the ground breaking itself with a video segment here.

Economic Development News:

The Yards: In the latest update on long stalled development project around the Illinois Terminal called "The Yards," developers are looking for input on whether there's interest in going forward or not. from the News-Gazette:

It’s really just an opportunity for the neighborhood to speak and say, ‘Hey, we’re excited about this, let’s keep working on it’ or maybe ‘Now’s not the time’, in which case, that’s OK as well,” said Royse and Brinkmeyer CEO Collin Carlier. “We could stop working on it. But it does take a lot of time and energy, and it’s a long entitlement period, so we’re just looking for, I guess, to be nudged whether we should continue to move forward or alter our thoughts based on feedback from the neighborhood.”

That full article here

County Fair: It's looking like everything is set for the redevelopment of the long stagnating County Fair Shopping Center and surrounding area. The plan relies on a TIF district (what is a TIF district?) as a funding strategy:

At 217 acres, the proposed Springfield and Mattis tax-increment-financing district isn’t the largest in the city, but it’s up there, said T.J. Blakeman, the city’s economic development manager.

He estimated it’s probably the second biggest after the 507-acre Garden Hills TIF district...

The boundaries of the proposed TIF district include the Country Fair Shopping Center, the Champaign Park Apartments, the Country Brook Apartments, the Round Barn Shops, the Shops at Glenn Park, the Schnucks Plaza and the former C.S. Johnson Factory.

That full article here, which goes into a great deal of detail on how the process will likely play out from here (including another public hearing, a meeting of the Joint Review Board, and a final City Council vote). This follows up from previous coverage on plans to redevelop the Country Fair Shopping Center area. Also from the News-Gazette:

The 32-acre Country Fair site, which has been on the market for more than a year, is under contract to a team of investors who are doing their due diligence before closing on the property, Senior Planner for Economic Development TJ Blakeman wrote in a report to the council...

He added that the potential buyers seem very willing to work with the city of Champaign and local developers to incorporate the city’s priorities into the project, including “walkability, high-quality design, new public streets and circulation patterns, and the reintroduction of transit to the development.”

City Manager Dorothy David has authorized a cost-share agreement to engage an architectural firm that can begin work on a conceptual plan for the project.

That full article here.

Economic Development Manual: The City Council recently had a Study Session where they had a presentation on and discussed a "New Economic Development Manual" (staff report, presentation video). The presentation and discussion included incentivizing development and possible changes to improve those incentives with increased costs. A key part of the council feedback was on exclusions (e.g. gambling establishments). The Council's technical questions and input begin at the 26 minute mark (jump to video link). The discussion ended with City Council direction to staff to move forward (with that input). 

WCIA had a brief overview of the issue:

The Council is in the process of drafting a new Economic Development Manual. The current manual went into effect in 2012 and ends this year. As part of the new manual, the city council is looking at revising the Redevelopment Incentive Program and implementing three small business assistance programs.

The Redevelopment Incentive Program, established 30 years ago, assists redevelopment projects with up to $150,000 or 20% of the cost. Since then, it’s provided more than $5 million in grant funding.

Under the new Economic Development Manual, a few changes would be made to the Redevelopment Incentive Program. The cap would be increased to $200,000 with a bonus of $10,000 for projects that can be occupied immediately upon completion. Criteria and percentage of eligible costs would also change.

That full article here.

Downtown Housing: There were also some concerns about affordable housing with a redevelopment project near downtown. From the News-Gazette:

Royse and Brinkmeyer is seeking city approval for a planned unit development on 10 properties it owns in the block bounded by South State Street, South Prairie Street, West White Street and West Springfield Avenue...

Gil Terriberry, case manager at the Strides Shelter, said at the commission’s meeting last month that he appreciates the variety of density incorporated into the project.

However, he added that there is a “serious housing problem” in Champaign and surrounding counties and was curious to know if the development might include “affordable, low- and moderate-income or subsidized housing,” as a lack of affordable housing is a major contributor to homelessness.

That full article here. This issue was discussed at the Plan Commission last week (agenda, video). Towards the end of that meeting, it appeared that the Plan Commission approved an amended version of the redevelopment plan for the City Council to consider (with the Plan Commission's recommendation to approve). The tentative date for the City Council to look at this item is September 17th.

Other City of Champaign Government News:

  • Kathy's Mailbag delved into cellphone reception issues in Champaign and some of the city planning and regulations that go into possibly resolving them.

  • Champaign Fire Department looking ahead to replace Ladder 161, from the News-Gazette's "Meeting Minutes" feature.

  • Two more signs have been added to the Champaign County African American Heritage Trail, including one in downtown Champaign to remember the JCPenney boycott and picketing here, according to the News-Gazette.

  • Honorary street signs for a local community organizer and a local music producer were approved this month. There was a previous overview on the proposal from the News-Gazette here. WCIA had a short blurb on the music producer, Mark Rubel here.

  • There has been a great deal of public comment about the conflict between Israel and Gaza, generally asking local governments to divest from Israel and take a stand against alleged war crimes. See the public comments section at the 7/2 regular City Council meeting and 7/9 City Council study session for examples.

  • City looking at a possible local historical landmark designation on nearly 100 year old home, according to the News-Gazette.

Friday, August 16, 2024

Champaign Public Library: Board of Trustees

The Cheat Sheet has never been able to cover much news coverage or do meeting write-ups for the area library board of trustees. It has generally been an overwhelming project just to keep up with some of the more prominent municipal and local government bodies in Champaign-Urbana (and at the County level too!) over the years. We've often had to do round up Cheat Sheets highlighting updates over several months to catch up on those! 

With our new collaboration with the League of Women Voters and the NAACP of Champaign County observer project, we will be able to share updates on far more meetings and more regularly.

Natalie Frankenberg is a LWV Observer who has been attending Champaign Public Library Board of Trustee meetings regularly for 15 years as of this month. This post links to those annual reports from April 2019, a two year 2020 and 2021 report, and her most recent multi-year report that covers meetings from April, 2021 through June, 2024.


The most recent report includes an explanation of how the Board of Trustees is appointed, its policy role, and other helpful details about when and where it meets. I've had links where appropriate:

The nine-member board meets on the third Wednesday of the month at 5:30 p.m. Since 2018, there is no scheduled meeting in December. Most of the meetings are held at the main library and twice a year they are held at the Douglass Branch. The meetings are open to the public and posted on the events calendar on the library website. All Library Board minutes, policies and annual reports are posted on the CPL website as well. Additionally, beginning in February, 2020, an audio link is included with the minutes on the website. 

Library trustees are volunteers appointed by the Mayor of Champaign and approved by the City Council for staggered terms of three years. Trustees may be reappointed. As of June, 2024, Trustees are Maryka Baraka , Katie Blakeman, Tricia Crowley, Michael Foellmer, Michael LaDue, Charles Lansford, Rajeev Malik, Minnie Pearson, and Chaya Sandler. During the years covered by this report, previous Trustees have been Deb Busey and Craig Rost. Foellmer is the City Council liaison to the Board, a position mandated by the joint governance agreement with the city. At the end of the June, 2024 meeting, Maryka Baraka and Tricia Crowley are retiring. They will be replaced by Daly Andersson and Charlisa Hart. The Board sets policy for the library and appoints the library director, who serves as the library’s chief executive officer.

In March, 2022, Donna Pittman, Library Director announced her pending retirement. The Board voted to move forward with an internal search first. In May, 2022, Brittany Michaels was selected as the new Library Director... 

The Board has representation, and acts as liaison, to the Champaign Public Library Foundation, Friends of the Champaign Public Library, and Douglass Branch Advisory Committee. Due to difficulty in obtaining a quorum, The Douglass Branch Library Advisory Committee convenes only if the need arises and there is a request by at least 2 members.

The current Library Director, Brittany Millington, it should be noted, previously went by Michaels, her maiden name, when she was the Library's Deputy Director, according to the News-Gazette. The paper also interviewed her in their "Beyond the Boardroom" feature in 2022 here.

I won't excerpt the entire reports here, but I will share a couple highlights from the most recent report and link the to the full reports below. From the 2021-2024 report:

In September, 2021, plans were introduced for “The Studio,” an 8000 square foot expansion planned in the lower level. This area will be for teens after school as well as community members of all ages evenings and weekend. The CPL Foundation committed $1 million for the $2.5 million project. The City Council voted to fund $1.5 million (City Council video of 2/1/2021 vote, agenda, bill).
Approval for construction was voted on November 10, 2022. The Studio officially opened the weekend of October 7-8, 2023. The Studio has tools like circuit machines, laser cutters, sewing machines, a recording studio, a 3D printer, just to name a few of the things available. 

Following the opening of The Studio, the CPL has new projects: the maker space at Douglass Branch, the lobby flooring, and updates to the 2nd floor. The CPL received a $50,000 grant from the Illinois Department of Commerce and Economic Opportunity. The funds will be used for the Douglass Branch maker project. Also contributing to the project, The Foundation raised $88,000 and The Friends of the Library pledged $50,000. The funding goal was reached.

The CPL Board has formed a Strategic Plan Steering Committee to develop a new strategic plan for 2025-2028. 


In the past the Library Journal awarded the CPL Star Library status. This recognition is based on number of visitors, computer use, checkouts, and other statistics. CPL has consistently received three-star rating ranks. Due to the pandemic and interruptions in reporting, Library Journal has decided not to issue data index or star designations this year, and it is unclear if they will in the future.

During the period of this report, the annual audit reviews were conducted by Lauterbach & Amen, LLP and the library continued to receive the highest rating.

Serving as the LWV Observer to the Champaign Public Library Board of Trustees continues to be an interesting experience and a privilege.
Full reports:

New Collaborations with LWV and NAACP of Champaign County

New Collaborations:

If it looked like I've been having difficulty keeping up lately, you'd be right! I should be catching up on a big backlog of Cheat Sheet posts for various local government and related organizations soon. And a much wider variety than ever!

The League of Women Voters of Champaign County and the NAACP Champaign County Branch have started a collaboration to rejuvenate the local Observer Corps. This generational project of non-partisan reports on local government took a hit during the pandemic. There has been ongoing work and organization to get these non-partisan local government meeting write-ups going again and also make them more readily available for the public to stay informed.

The Cheat Sheet has joined that collaboration to help summarize and link to these full reports and meeting write-ups! As always, the Cheat Sheet will continue to attempt to avoid taking sides of different local controversies, parties, or ideologies. 

We'll report, to the best of our ability, confirmed facts and differing perspectives on the issues before local government. We'll link to local reporting, government documents, public statements, and recordings of the meetings themselves when they are available. 

The full meeting reports and write-ups that we link to from the LWV Observer Corps and NAACP observers are also meant to be objective, but any personal or organizational biases in them are not necessarily the views of the Cheat Sheet or its authors. Likewise, what limited stances the Cheat Sheet may take on various facts or perspectives are not necessarily those of anyone else we are collaborating with.

For anyone interested in joining either local organization and volunteering to be a non-partisan observer, just click the links above in this post or in our website's sidebar. You can also email for any additional questions, on everything from the new collaboration or volunteer opportunities!

Bonus for Local Civic Nerds:

The League's Vice President, Ann Panthen, recently shared this treasure from the local LWV archives: a 20 year retrospective on the Champaign County Board from 1976 to 1996. She noted that it was "authored by Mary Blair- one of our most dedicated members and an observer for many years. Mary died recently at the age of 104!  She was also League president in the 70's."

The three page report talks about an era of rising conservatism nationally and locally, changing demographics, and long term pressure for better record keeping and transparency. It speaks of hope in more future intergovernmental agreements to work on behalf of everyone in Champaign County. That is something that we do actually see far more of in more recent decades and into today.

It also talks about earlier support for an elected County Executive by Democrats years ago. This was during the early days of coming up with any type of centralized administrative position beyond the County Board Chair themself. For those familiar with the change to an Executive Form of government, it was local Republicans who eventually pushed the 2016 referendum through, assuming that their candidate would win a County wide race in 2018! He didn't and the seat has been in Democratic Party hands ever since.

Needless to say, a lot can change in local government, especially over the long term. From this report, one can also see that many things do not change too!

Thank you for reading! We look forward to many Cheat Sheets and meeting write-ups in the future!

- Benjamin